Old school home brew art

Pencil/pastel drawing on printer paper. By Johan E. Ca 1989

Pencil/pastel drawing on printer paper. By Johan E. Ca 1989


My talented friend and player Johan drew this picture of the player party back in 1989 something. We played AD&D back then, and these characters had a lot of mileage under their belts.

From left to right:

Emir – Weak Fighter with an obsession for nice rocks.

Sven Svan – Not-so-weak Barbarian with a bad attitude.

Daag Vaag – Crazy up-to-no-good Thief and Raconteur.

Jean d’Arc – Up-to-good Paladin and protector of…well…all.

Zeb – dirty and smelly Ranger who never got out of his leather armor. Never.

Casmir – slick, sneaky and above all greedy Thief. Never to be trusted with gold or valuables.

As some might recognize, the pictures are based on the old Citadel miniatures we actually used in-game.


Found in my attic a while ago. There’s a rpg treasure up there!


1983 home brew fantasy map found!

My first RQ map. By dawnrazor, circa 1983

Yesterday I found this – I think it’s my first RuneQuest map ever. This is the lands of Eslerog.

Fans of Chaosium’s RQ2 will recognize the style from the William Church map in the RQ2 book. And names nicked from everywhere.

At the time I didn’t have hex paper so I used ordinary college squared paper and some battered Faber Castell pencils from school. I didn’t have Cults of Prax either, so I just made some cults up, based on names from the core rule box.

I’m sorry about the crappy scan and the blue lines – I have to learn to clean up old scans better, but I wanted to share as I got so happy for finding this! Never thought it still was around.

Lots of adventures were had here. We even used it for b/x D&D as I merged it with the “Known World” later.